Pexels bulk downloader - save many images and videos at once

A lot of people post collections of images and videos on the ever-growing Pexels website. At times, there are a few images/photos we like in a collection, other times, it's the whole collection we like. Downloading one by one would be tedious for a large set. That's why if you are looking for a way to bulk download the images from Pexels, I recommend WFDownloader App. It's a free bulk image downloader that works very well as a Pexels downloader. Whether it is a collection, search page, or Pexels user profile, WFDownloader App will grab all images in their full resolutions. Also, the application can be used as a Pexels video downloader to download videos from single posts, collections, and entire user profiles.

Bulk downloading from Pexels

Follow the steps below:

  1. In your browser, go to the Pexels user profile, collection, or search page containing the images or videos you would like to batch download. If it's only images you want, apply the photos filter while if it's only videos you want, apply the videos filter. If you want both, do not apply any filter.
  2. Copy the link/URL of the page from the address bar of your browser.
    copy pexel link/url from the browser address bar
  3. Open WFDownloader App and click the "Add" button. Notice the link has already been pasted into the text box for you. Also, enter the folder you want to save the gallery in and click "Confirm".
    pexel url and batch folder entered in dialog box
  4. The link search will begin. Because Pexels uses Cloudflare protection, depending on your country or your internet connection, WFDownloader App may show you an interstitial Cloudflare captcha page (for most people, it doesn't appear so this step may not apply to you). Solve the captcha and wait for it to close automatically, and the link search will continue. You only have to do this once. It won't happen for other link search requests until you restart the application.
    cloudflare captcha request for
    captcha request successfully solved
  5. After the link search is complete, click the "Confirm" button. A new batch of images will be created for you.
    link search completed
  6. Click the "Start" button to start the download for the new batch of Pexels images. You can go sip some coffee while the application downloads to completion. That's all.
    pexels batch started in wfdownloader app


Downloading videos from Pexels

In the previous example, only images were downloaded. You can also download individual images and videos from Pexels. Just use the link to the Pexels page containing the image or video you want to download instead. If it is just the videos you want from a Pexles profile or collection, first apply the video filter option. To demonstrate using WFDownloader App as a Pexels video downloader, a simple illustrative image is shown below. Notice that the video link was gotten.

Pexels video download illustration

You can get WFDownloader App from the main download page. Some details have been skipped to make this tutorial short. See how to batch download images for a more detailed one.


  • WFDownloader App supports many other sites such as Unsplash, Alphacoders, Wallhaven, Behance, VSCO, and many others.
  • WFDownloader App is not an official application to any of the sites it supports so things can stop working at any time. Report issues to get them fixed right away.

In conclusion, we have seen how to bulk download images and videos from Pexels. Therefore, if you're looking for a Pexels downloader, give WFDownloader App a try. It's free and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs. If you have any questions or suggestions or if it's not working for you, kindly comment so that it can be addressed. Thanks for reading!

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